Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Female Body Builder in Action

Last week I did my workout on Tuesday and Thursday. I missed my third day of weight lifting because we went to visit my mother for Mother's Day and was gone from Saturday through Monday. I was back at the gym yesterday doing the first part of my 29 week beginner/intermediate training. As always, it felt great to be there building my body.

As I mentioned last week I do 2 days of interval training as part of my aerobic workout. I'll do this on the days I am not lifting. Well today I decided to go hit tennis balls against the backstop at the tennis court. This worked really well. Not only did I get my aerobic workout but I improved my tennis game and got to enjoy some of this beautiful sunny day. I tried to do this in bursts of exertion. So I would hit hard for about 2 minutes then go easier for 1 minute to let my heart rate drop.

I wrote an article on better stretching techniques this week that I would like to share with you. When information comes my way which it does from Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building but also from other sources like health magazines I subscribe to or from perusing the internet I'll take the information, try it out and write about what works for me or seems to make the most sense. If you'd like to read about these techniques click here to access this information.

I realize I am in action and am confident about what I need to do to create abundance in health. I also realize i would like to apply these traits to creating abundance in all areas of my life. My intention is to keep moving in that direction and to share my progress on this blog.

If you would like to join me on this journey you can start by clicking here to access Vinces's muscle building program. It is fun and definetly leading me to building the body I've always wanted.