Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Muscle Building Story Continued

At this point I have completed 6 weeks of Vince's Upside Down training and 1 week of the next phase of No Nonsense Muscle Building which is the 29 week beginner/intermediate intensive training. My workout consists of 3 days of weight lifting and 2-3 days of aerobics. So this past week I lifted weights on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. For aerobics I do what is called interval training. Using the stationary bike at the gym I do bursts of exertions. What this looks like is a 2 minute warm-up followed by 1 minute going as fast as I can, then 1 minute at a slower pace, 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow and so on for about 20 minutes with a 2 minute cool down. With in the next few weeks I will be writing an article about this type off training so you will have a better understanding off how it works.

I've written about staying focused and breathing in my articles. I want to reiterate here how important this is. While doing each exercise focus on the muscle groups you are working keeping your breath deep and steady. Not only will your gains be more dramatic but you will find yourself feeling more peaceful and centered.

I continue to really enjoy going to the gym and building my strength. Mostly, I keep to myself concentrating on my workout. Sometimes someone or something will distract me. I've noticed one serious weight lifter who listens to his Ipod while working out. This would be okay except I can hear him coming from about 50 feet away. I have to wonder how long he will have his hearing.

If anyone would like to begin a weight lifting program check out Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building. It is a complete guide to bodybuilding along with the proper nutrition to maximize your strength training routine.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Keep Building Muscle With These Tips to Staying Motivated

I've been out of commission for about 2 weeks with a cough and cold. I finally made it back to the gym today, elated to be feeling good again. I've lost some muscle strength but overall was pleased with my performance.

The last few weeks I have had some time to think about how I want to use this blog. I know it helps me to keep on track but it could get a little boring for all of you reading about my progress. Since I am continually learning new information about strength training/bodybuilding either through Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building, articles from magazines or just from my own experience, I thought I would provide relevant information through articles that I will attach to this blog.

Some of the topics I have been reading about recently are on proper stretching techniques, mastering the chin/pull up (which of course I have failed miserably at) and ways to stay focused and motivated. Click here if you would like to read my article, Stay Focused to Build Muscle - 7 Tips to Workout Success.

As always I welcome any feedback. My goal is to form a women's strength training group that will work with me towards building a strong, healthy body. Join me now to creating your perfect body.