Monday, April 27, 2009

Keep Building Muscle With These Tips to Staying Motivated

I've been out of commission for about 2 weeks with a cough and cold. I finally made it back to the gym today, elated to be feeling good again. I've lost some muscle strength but overall was pleased with my performance.

The last few weeks I have had some time to think about how I want to use this blog. I know it helps me to keep on track but it could get a little boring for all of you reading about my progress. Since I am continually learning new information about strength training/bodybuilding either through Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building, articles from magazines or just from my own experience, I thought I would provide relevant information through articles that I will attach to this blog.

Some of the topics I have been reading about recently are on proper stretching techniques, mastering the chin/pull up (which of course I have failed miserably at) and ways to stay focused and motivated. Click here if you would like to read my article, Stay Focused to Build Muscle - 7 Tips to Workout Success.

As always I welcome any feedback. My goal is to form a women's strength training group that will work with me towards building a strong, healthy body. Join me now to creating your perfect body.

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