Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Path to a Strong, Healthy Body

I am undertaking a weight lifting program. I guess I’ve always wanted to have “the perfect body” – drooling over those thin, shapely models and beauty queens. Although being thin has never been a problem for me, I’ve always been thin, but, now as I age, that thin body has morphed into a scrawny upper body and a somewhat flabby lower.

The truth is I have little body strength and when I was younger I wanted that “ideal body”, now I want to be strong and healthy so I can continue to enjoy my current lifestyle. I like to walk, play tennis, ride horses, hike, swim, cross country ski and just about anything else that gets me outside and moving.

At this point the realization has hit me that as I get older these activities could be difficult unless I do something to keep strong.

This is where I’m at when Vince and his No Nonsense Muscle Building has come into my life. After doing research on the Internet, observing at my local gym, and asking questions of body building friends, this program seemed to offer what I was looking for.

Following are some of what has attracted me to begin this muscle building routine.

- The program offers a complete workout guide for men and women from beginner to intermediate to advanced.

- The information is presented as an e-book as well as in video. I can actually watch Vince doing the exercises which I find helpful in understanding the proper technique.

- MP 3 audio versions of the e-books are provided for listening to at any time.

- Upside Down Training – I love this part – is the 4 – 6 week routine that you do to get your body ready to get into serious muscle building. I will definitely be doing this the full 6 weeks if not more.

- He has something called The Insane Virtual Exercise Demonstrator which when you click on a muscle group the exercises for that group come up. Then click on the exercise you want to see and a human figure demonstrates the exercise.

- The program also offers complete meal plans for muscle growth along with a metabolic calculator to determine how many calories you should be consuming every day.

- Last but not least, there is lots of support with a 24/7 fitness coach which answers the most commonly asked questions. But if that doesn't do it, you can e-mail Vince directly with any questions.

At this point, I have read the e-book, No Nonsense Muscle Building for Women, watched the video on Upside Down Training and used the Virtual Exercise Demonstrator to view each exercise being done. This first week I have done the stretching, the ab workout and the body strength training at home. I am ready to start going to the gym.

I am excited about my new endeavor and feel confident that when I do go to the gym I will have a pretty good idea of what I need to do. If anyone would like to join me in creating a strong, healthy body I suggest you check out this strength training program. It is rated the # 1 muscle building program on the Internet. So let's give it a try. I will be posting regularly on my progress.

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