Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 2 - My Women's Strength Training Routine

I've signed up at my local gym and have completed week 1 and started on week 2 of Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building program. I love going to the gym. I feel stronger just walking into the building. Am I a little sore? You bet I am. I've had lots of hot baths in the past few weeks. So how did I do?

As I thought from the information in the weightlifting program, I pretty much knew what I was doing. I had to ask for help from the staff a few times on how to work some of the machines but mostly they are pretty easy to figure out. I did feel like I was moving in slow motion that first week. Everything seem to take so long. This second week I am still slow but can see improvement. I don't have to study each exercise as long before doing it.

Here are some points I'd like to share in my personal guide to women's strength training by using and adapting Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building program.

  • As I have done yoga for years, I continue my practice and use this to cover most of my stretching exercises.
  • I do the Body Weight Conditioning on Tuesdays and Saturdays. This is my third week doing this part of the program. The first two weeks I did one set of each exercise. This week I was able to do two sets. At this point I do a modified standard push up, doing a close grip chin up is out of the question and I can get into the oblique abductor raise position but am unable to raise my leg.
  • On Mondays I do the Upside Down Training Lower Body and Abs exercises. On Thursdays I do the Upper Body and Abs. I do the shoulder stability program before the upper body workout, as Vince suggests to get my shoulders flexible and more ready to do the weightlifting. Last week I did one set of each. This week I did two sets of each.
  • I have been eating on average about 5 meals a day being conscious of what I eat. Vince's meal planning guide has helped tremendously in choosing the right kinds of and amounts of food. I've been having fun trying out the recipes. All are easy to make, taste good and very nutritious.
  • I highly recommend you write everything down. I started a log book this week. I am looking forward to seeing my progress each week as I track what I am doing.
I think that's all for now. I am absolutely loving this. I feel stronger already. This strength training program has given me the focus and determination that I have been missing. Now I look forward to going to the gym and building my strength so that I can continue doing the things I love to do.

If any of you would like to join me click here to get your copy of No Nonsense Muscle Building and start your personal guide to women's strength training.

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