Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Women's Strength Training: Week 3

I have just completed week 3 of my women's strength training program. I am very proud of myself for taking this on and have been very motivated to continue. My strength and energy seem to increase daily. If you've read my previous blogs you know that I am using Vince DelMonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building program.
I am doing what he calls the "Upside Down" training series. This is a preliminary exercise program that slowly works you into the more challenging weight lifting series.

Following are some more of my observations and milestones in this third week of women's strength training.

  • I generally stretch after my workouts and what I have found works well for me is to stretch regularly throughout the day. So I find myself getting up every 90 minutes or so to stretch my body. Where I work on a computer most of the day, this is a welcome and refreshing break.
  • In my first week I did one set of each exercise. The second week I did 2 sets. This third week I still did the 2 sets but increased the weights on some but mostly I added what Vince calls 1 1/2's. How do I explain this? Say you are doing a bicep curl. You bring the weight up to your chest, lower it half way down, bring it back up again and then lower all the way down. Needless to say this is way more strenuous than just bringing it up and down which is what I was doing. In many cases I found I was doing less repetitions.
  • I have also become conscious of the tempos. Vince has recommended tempos on all the exercises. This also makes each exercise more strenuous to do. For example, if the tempo is 311, the exertion is done to a count of 3.
  • Just a reminder. Always write everything down. I have been diligent about writing how many repetitions, what weights I'm using, how many sets, and now when I am doing 1 1/2's and what tempo I am using.
One thing I have noticed is that while my muscles are sore, the chronic ache that I have had in my shoulders and top of my back is gone. This is really cool.

If you would like to join me in building a strong, healthy body I suggest you check out the No Nonsense Muscle Building program. It's challenging, fun and a giant step to building your ideal body.

I think I'll take a stretch break now. Talk to you soon.

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