Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 4 completed to my Women's Strength Training Program

I feel so strong. This is relative and probably mostly psychological at this point but it doesn't matter. I feel strong anyway. When I'm leaving the gym after one of my workouts my whole being is uplifted and permeated with good feelings. S0 all of you out there you don't need drugs and alcohol to get high. I suggest you sign up for Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building and start elevating your mind, body, and soul. Seriously, I am getting so much more than a strong body, I feel more focused, confident, motivated and calm, just to mention a few. This is so worth the $77.00 I paid for this weight lifting program.

I have just completed my fourth week on what Vince calls the Upside Down training. This is a preliminary set of exercises that gets you ready to move into a more serious weight lifting series. Vince recommends 4 - 6 weeks on this part and as I suspected when I started I will need the full 6 weeks.

As usual I like to list my observations and milestones from the last week.
  • I found I was able to increase the weights on many of the exercises this past week, still concentrating on the suggested tempos and doing 1 1/2's. ( I explained this on my previous blog post.)
  • By doing the above I find myself staying more focused which is so important in working each muscle group. I think one of the reasons I feel so good while working out is that it forces me to be in the now, to be present which helps calm my mind from its constant chatter.
  • I do body weight conditioning two days a week. Vince suggests 1-3 sets of each exercise. At this point, I am doing 2 sets. I will be working into 3 sets by the end of Upside Down training. Doing a pull-up is still out of the question.
  • I continue to stretch quite often doing about 20 minutes after my workout and, as I mentioned in my last blog post, taking 5 minute stretch breaks every 90 minutes or so throughout the day. I usually end my day with about 15 minutes of yoga.
As always, if anyone would like to join me in building a strong, healthy body let me know. Vince has a new trial offer of his No Nonsense Muscle Building. This is a good chance to try it out with little monetary investment. Click here to get the details of this offer.

I guess that's it for now.

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