Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 5 of Upside Down Training

I took some time to review the videos and the simulations of the exercises I've been doing. I did this to make sure I had not picked up any bad habits and was doing each exercise correctly. Sure enough I found one exercise I was doing poorly was the squat. From watching Vince in his video I wrote up an article on how to do this very important exercise correctly. Click here if you would like to learn the right way to do the squat. Believe me you will know if you are doing this one right.

I wasn't feeling well the end of last week. When I worked out on Thursday I found I couldn't do the same reps and weights I was doing the week before. Sure enough I woke up on Friday all achy and feeling quite sick. Spent most of the weekend on the couch.

I'll be starting my last week of Upside Down training and am looking forward to moving into the next phase of Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building.

Please click here if you would like to join me on this amazing journey to a strong healthy body.

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