Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Female Body Builder in Action

Last week I did my workout on Tuesday and Thursday. I missed my third day of weight lifting because we went to visit my mother for Mother's Day and was gone from Saturday through Monday. I was back at the gym yesterday doing the first part of my 29 week beginner/intermediate training. As always, it felt great to be there building my body.

As I mentioned last week I do 2 days of interval training as part of my aerobic workout. I'll do this on the days I am not lifting. Well today I decided to go hit tennis balls against the backstop at the tennis court. This worked really well. Not only did I get my aerobic workout but I improved my tennis game and got to enjoy some of this beautiful sunny day. I tried to do this in bursts of exertion. So I would hit hard for about 2 minutes then go easier for 1 minute to let my heart rate drop.

I wrote an article on better stretching techniques this week that I would like to share with you. When information comes my way which it does from Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building but also from other sources like health magazines I subscribe to or from perusing the internet I'll take the information, try it out and write about what works for me or seems to make the most sense. If you'd like to read about these techniques click here to access this information.

I realize I am in action and am confident about what I need to do to create abundance in health. I also realize i would like to apply these traits to creating abundance in all areas of my life. My intention is to keep moving in that direction and to share my progress on this blog.

If you would like to join me on this journey you can start by clicking here to access Vinces's muscle building program. It is fun and definetly leading me to building the body I've always wanted.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Muscle Building Story Continued

At this point I have completed 6 weeks of Vince's Upside Down training and 1 week of the next phase of No Nonsense Muscle Building which is the 29 week beginner/intermediate intensive training. My workout consists of 3 days of weight lifting and 2-3 days of aerobics. So this past week I lifted weights on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. For aerobics I do what is called interval training. Using the stationary bike at the gym I do bursts of exertions. What this looks like is a 2 minute warm-up followed by 1 minute going as fast as I can, then 1 minute at a slower pace, 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow and so on for about 20 minutes with a 2 minute cool down. With in the next few weeks I will be writing an article about this type off training so you will have a better understanding off how it works.

I've written about staying focused and breathing in my articles. I want to reiterate here how important this is. While doing each exercise focus on the muscle groups you are working keeping your breath deep and steady. Not only will your gains be more dramatic but you will find yourself feeling more peaceful and centered.

I continue to really enjoy going to the gym and building my strength. Mostly, I keep to myself concentrating on my workout. Sometimes someone or something will distract me. I've noticed one serious weight lifter who listens to his Ipod while working out. This would be okay except I can hear him coming from about 50 feet away. I have to wonder how long he will have his hearing.

If anyone would like to begin a weight lifting program check out Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building. It is a complete guide to bodybuilding along with the proper nutrition to maximize your strength training routine.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Keep Building Muscle With These Tips to Staying Motivated

I've been out of commission for about 2 weeks with a cough and cold. I finally made it back to the gym today, elated to be feeling good again. I've lost some muscle strength but overall was pleased with my performance.

The last few weeks I have had some time to think about how I want to use this blog. I know it helps me to keep on track but it could get a little boring for all of you reading about my progress. Since I am continually learning new information about strength training/bodybuilding either through Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building, articles from magazines or just from my own experience, I thought I would provide relevant information through articles that I will attach to this blog.

Some of the topics I have been reading about recently are on proper stretching techniques, mastering the chin/pull up (which of course I have failed miserably at) and ways to stay focused and motivated. Click here if you would like to read my article, Stay Focused to Build Muscle - 7 Tips to Workout Success.

As always I welcome any feedback. My goal is to form a women's strength training group that will work with me towards building a strong, healthy body. Join me now to creating your perfect body.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hurrah! 6 Weeks of Upside Down Training Complete

Yes, I 've completed six weeks of Vince DelMonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building and I continue to feel stronger and healthier every day. The Upside Down training is his preliminary workout to get you ready to move into heavier lifting and I am feeling up to the challenge.

Over the weekend I copied week 1 of the next part of this program which is the 29 week beginner/intermediate workout. As I did with the upside down training, I viewed the videos and the animated figures performing each of the exercises. This part of the program has me going to the gym 3 days a week. I did my first day today and felt confident about what to do.

I can't describe how good it feels to strengthen my body. As always, I encourage all to join me in this exciting pursuit. This is an amazing investment in me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 5 of Upside Down Training

I took some time to review the videos and the simulations of the exercises I've been doing. I did this to make sure I had not picked up any bad habits and was doing each exercise correctly. Sure enough I found one exercise I was doing poorly was the squat. From watching Vince in his video I wrote up an article on how to do this very important exercise correctly. Click here if you would like to learn the right way to do the squat. Believe me you will know if you are doing this one right.

I wasn't feeling well the end of last week. When I worked out on Thursday I found I couldn't do the same reps and weights I was doing the week before. Sure enough I woke up on Friday all achy and feeling quite sick. Spent most of the weekend on the couch.

I'll be starting my last week of Upside Down training and am looking forward to moving into the next phase of Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building.

Please click here if you would like to join me on this amazing journey to a strong healthy body.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 4 completed to my Women's Strength Training Program

I feel so strong. This is relative and probably mostly psychological at this point but it doesn't matter. I feel strong anyway. When I'm leaving the gym after one of my workouts my whole being is uplifted and permeated with good feelings. S0 all of you out there you don't need drugs and alcohol to get high. I suggest you sign up for Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building and start elevating your mind, body, and soul. Seriously, I am getting so much more than a strong body, I feel more focused, confident, motivated and calm, just to mention a few. This is so worth the $77.00 I paid for this weight lifting program.

I have just completed my fourth week on what Vince calls the Upside Down training. This is a preliminary set of exercises that gets you ready to move into a more serious weight lifting series. Vince recommends 4 - 6 weeks on this part and as I suspected when I started I will need the full 6 weeks.

As usual I like to list my observations and milestones from the last week.
  • I found I was able to increase the weights on many of the exercises this past week, still concentrating on the suggested tempos and doing 1 1/2's. ( I explained this on my previous blog post.)
  • By doing the above I find myself staying more focused which is so important in working each muscle group. I think one of the reasons I feel so good while working out is that it forces me to be in the now, to be present which helps calm my mind from its constant chatter.
  • I do body weight conditioning two days a week. Vince suggests 1-3 sets of each exercise. At this point, I am doing 2 sets. I will be working into 3 sets by the end of Upside Down training. Doing a pull-up is still out of the question.
  • I continue to stretch quite often doing about 20 minutes after my workout and, as I mentioned in my last blog post, taking 5 minute stretch breaks every 90 minutes or so throughout the day. I usually end my day with about 15 minutes of yoga.
As always, if anyone would like to join me in building a strong, healthy body let me know. Vince has a new trial offer of his No Nonsense Muscle Building. This is a good chance to try it out with little monetary investment. Click here to get the details of this offer.

I guess that's it for now.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Women's Strength Training: Week 3

I have just completed week 3 of my women's strength training program. I am very proud of myself for taking this on and have been very motivated to continue. My strength and energy seem to increase daily. If you've read my previous blogs you know that I am using Vince DelMonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building program.
I am doing what he calls the "Upside Down" training series. This is a preliminary exercise program that slowly works you into the more challenging weight lifting series.

Following are some more of my observations and milestones in this third week of women's strength training.

  • I generally stretch after my workouts and what I have found works well for me is to stretch regularly throughout the day. So I find myself getting up every 90 minutes or so to stretch my body. Where I work on a computer most of the day, this is a welcome and refreshing break.
  • In my first week I did one set of each exercise. The second week I did 2 sets. This third week I still did the 2 sets but increased the weights on some but mostly I added what Vince calls 1 1/2's. How do I explain this? Say you are doing a bicep curl. You bring the weight up to your chest, lower it half way down, bring it back up again and then lower all the way down. Needless to say this is way more strenuous than just bringing it up and down which is what I was doing. In many cases I found I was doing less repetitions.
  • I have also become conscious of the tempos. Vince has recommended tempos on all the exercises. This also makes each exercise more strenuous to do. For example, if the tempo is 311, the exertion is done to a count of 3.
  • Just a reminder. Always write everything down. I have been diligent about writing how many repetitions, what weights I'm using, how many sets, and now when I am doing 1 1/2's and what tempo I am using.
One thing I have noticed is that while my muscles are sore, the chronic ache that I have had in my shoulders and top of my back is gone. This is really cool.

If you would like to join me in building a strong, healthy body I suggest you check out the No Nonsense Muscle Building program. It's challenging, fun and a giant step to building your ideal body.

I think I'll take a stretch break now. Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 2 - My Women's Strength Training Routine

I've signed up at my local gym and have completed week 1 and started on week 2 of Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building program. I love going to the gym. I feel stronger just walking into the building. Am I a little sore? You bet I am. I've had lots of hot baths in the past few weeks. So how did I do?

As I thought from the information in the weightlifting program, I pretty much knew what I was doing. I had to ask for help from the staff a few times on how to work some of the machines but mostly they are pretty easy to figure out. I did feel like I was moving in slow motion that first week. Everything seem to take so long. This second week I am still slow but can see improvement. I don't have to study each exercise as long before doing it.

Here are some points I'd like to share in my personal guide to women's strength training by using and adapting Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building program.

  • As I have done yoga for years, I continue my practice and use this to cover most of my stretching exercises.
  • I do the Body Weight Conditioning on Tuesdays and Saturdays. This is my third week doing this part of the program. The first two weeks I did one set of each exercise. This week I was able to do two sets. At this point I do a modified standard push up, doing a close grip chin up is out of the question and I can get into the oblique abductor raise position but am unable to raise my leg.
  • On Mondays I do the Upside Down Training Lower Body and Abs exercises. On Thursdays I do the Upper Body and Abs. I do the shoulder stability program before the upper body workout, as Vince suggests to get my shoulders flexible and more ready to do the weightlifting. Last week I did one set of each. This week I did two sets of each.
  • I have been eating on average about 5 meals a day being conscious of what I eat. Vince's meal planning guide has helped tremendously in choosing the right kinds of and amounts of food. I've been having fun trying out the recipes. All are easy to make, taste good and very nutritious.
  • I highly recommend you write everything down. I started a log book this week. I am looking forward to seeing my progress each week as I track what I am doing.
I think that's all for now. I am absolutely loving this. I feel stronger already. This strength training program has given me the focus and determination that I have been missing. Now I look forward to going to the gym and building my strength so that I can continue doing the things I love to do.

If any of you would like to join me click here to get your copy of No Nonsense Muscle Building and start your personal guide to women's strength training.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Path to a Strong, Healthy Body

I am undertaking a weight lifting program. I guess I’ve always wanted to have “the perfect body” – drooling over those thin, shapely models and beauty queens. Although being thin has never been a problem for me, I’ve always been thin, but, now as I age, that thin body has morphed into a scrawny upper body and a somewhat flabby lower.

The truth is I have little body strength and when I was younger I wanted that “ideal body”, now I want to be strong and healthy so I can continue to enjoy my current lifestyle. I like to walk, play tennis, ride horses, hike, swim, cross country ski and just about anything else that gets me outside and moving.

At this point the realization has hit me that as I get older these activities could be difficult unless I do something to keep strong.

This is where I’m at when Vince and his No Nonsense Muscle Building has come into my life. After doing research on the Internet, observing at my local gym, and asking questions of body building friends, this program seemed to offer what I was looking for.

Following are some of what has attracted me to begin this muscle building routine.

- The program offers a complete workout guide for men and women from beginner to intermediate to advanced.

- The information is presented as an e-book as well as in video. I can actually watch Vince doing the exercises which I find helpful in understanding the proper technique.

- MP 3 audio versions of the e-books are provided for listening to at any time.

- Upside Down Training – I love this part – is the 4 – 6 week routine that you do to get your body ready to get into serious muscle building. I will definitely be doing this the full 6 weeks if not more.

- He has something called The Insane Virtual Exercise Demonstrator which when you click on a muscle group the exercises for that group come up. Then click on the exercise you want to see and a human figure demonstrates the exercise.

- The program also offers complete meal plans for muscle growth along with a metabolic calculator to determine how many calories you should be consuming every day.

- Last but not least, there is lots of support with a 24/7 fitness coach which answers the most commonly asked questions. But if that doesn't do it, you can e-mail Vince directly with any questions.

At this point, I have read the e-book, No Nonsense Muscle Building for Women, watched the video on Upside Down Training and used the Virtual Exercise Demonstrator to view each exercise being done. This first week I have done the stretching, the ab workout and the body strength training at home. I am ready to start going to the gym.

I am excited about my new endeavor and feel confident that when I do go to the gym I will have a pretty good idea of what I need to do. If anyone would like to join me in creating a strong, healthy body I suggest you check out this strength training program. It is rated the # 1 muscle building program on the Internet. So let's give it a try. I will be posting regularly on my progress.